1. Cabinet has agreed to the review of the measures that were taken to control imports from Japan following the accident at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011. As from April 2013, importers of second-hand motor vehicles and second-hand motor vehicle spare parts would no longer be required to –
(a) carry out the pre-shipment inspection;
(b) furnish the Certificate of Conformity for radioactive contamination; and
(c) submit the bank guarantee.
Moreover, second-hand motor vehicles and second-hand motor vehicle spare parts would no longer be inspected by the Radiation Protection Authority prior to customs clearance. However, as regards
second-hand motor vehicles and second-hand motor vehicle spare parts, the Radiation Protection Authority would continue to monitor the situation, including through random inspection.
Cabinet has also agreed to all consignments of foodstuffs and agricultural commodities imported from Japan continued to be tested for radioactive contamination prior to customs clearance.