Twenty (20) members from Myanmar Used Vehicle Importers Association visit Japan to meet JUMVEA members early this week.
A grate get-together arranged by JUMVEA was held at Yaesu Fujiya hotel in Tokyo. It is not easy to arrange such kind of get-together providing all the facility to its members. All the JUMVEA members had enough time to introduce them self to the Myanmar delegation properly.
Other than the JUMVEA members Mr Hara Shigeo of wise president of the USS auction group participate to the gathering.
Mr. Eranga Jayasiri of Sayuri International with one of his Myanmar customer...
JUMVEA president Mr. Hiroshi Sato (left) with wise president of USS auction group Mr.Hara Shigeo (right)
JUMVEA president Mr.Hiroshi Sato with Managing Director of Sayuri International